Apply the white of a raw egg on the hair for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with a shampoo. A mixture of lemon juice and egg white and oil massage could also be used to strengthen the roots of
hair. More remedies at will prevent further problems.How can i prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.Shampoos and hair oils seem to be worsening the problem?
Have you tried other shampoos? The shampoo you're using may not be suitable for you. Try shampoos with aloe vera as ingredient, or the 'horse' shampoo and conditioner, ';Mane 'N Tail';...
Also, try to have a protein treatment at a nearby salon.
Sorry about the thin hair. You should make an appointment with a dermatologist to make sure that their isn't a skin condition causing your hair loss. There are some conditions that are associated with hair loss, and so it would be good to rule those out first.
I am not sure if it is appropriate for someone your age, but ask your doctor if its good to use Rogaine. Absolutely consult your doctor first should you look into it.
the best thing for this problem is go AYURVEDA or herbal u find some good aurveda solutions in kerala they also ship the medecine if u can give online counselling with thm and aditionally when ever u use any knid of shampoo we in misconception use it concentrated so tht it will be more effective but the truth is if u dilute it and use it our scalp gets exposed to lesser chemical used in shampoos these days
also use baba ramdevs accupuncture technik s splly for preventions of hair loss
keep u r hai as clean as possible every time
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