There's no rogaine for dogs,feed a good quality food and supplement with omega 3 oilsIs there anything to help promote hair growth in dogs?
I know that if you go to dog shows, you can purchas omega 3 oils and just add a few drops to your dog once per dog with their meal. I wanted my westie to have better coats and this sure works! Also, promoting hair growth, I have heard of nettles and horsetail( this is aherb!) gd luck! x
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i haven't heard of anything to make it grow faster and i have my vet on speed dial, but brushing regularly will help get the flakiness that follows allergic outbreaks off the dog in a gentle way that will help keep the follicle clean and encourage hair regrowth. so brush away, don't over shampoo as this could cause the hair to break off, and just keep a good diet and it should be back to normal soon.
i'm not sure if there is anything to make it grow faster; however, to help keep a healthy and shinny coat, give your dog fish oil. it does wonders!
Get him some Omega 3 fish oil chew bones, they make the fur thicker, thats all I know
i think time is the only thing. but if you want a nice shiny coat, you should get food with avocado! it promotes nice shiny coats!
yes, look maybe on drs fosters and smith, online
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